Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Here's TWO You"

August 5, 2008 was Happy Birthday #2 for Jake. We celebrated on the island. That is the kitchen island for all who aren't in on the joke of us owning our very own island!

We had our traditional Carvel Ice Cream Cake and we all sang Happy Birthday to Jakey, who couldn't seem to break his gaze from Daddy. I don't know whether he was amazed to finally get his birthday or amazed that his father was SINGING! It was very cute, and warmed my heart, AND I got the shot. I LOVE IT when that happens! Now I shall never forget it.

Our "Little Bit" is two, I can't believe it. Ok, the stereotypical oh, where did the time go, you're not gonna get from me. I feel like it's been 20 years of information stuffed into two. Should I NOT be able to practice medicine yet? It's mentally staggering to me how much I have learned in these past two years. All I can say is, if I knew two years ago what I know now, boy, what a great deal of heartache, despair and grief I could have saved myself.

If you are stumbling across my mental blurbs, and you are a new parent of a child born with Microtia, Atresia and or Stenosis know this. It's gonna be ok. In the darkest of the night, you can still see the stars.

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