Friday, February 19, 2010

Jake's update #2 Thursday November 19, 2009 3:56pm

Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 3:56pm | Edit Note | Delete
Ok, this is going to be a much different update than I thought I was going to be writing to everyone:

We went down to pre-op to get ready for surgery. I spoke to the anestesiologist,the nurse. They covered every detail with a fine tooth comb: congenital anomolies, past complications, future planned surgeries, probability of intubation difficulties and I was as comfortable as I was going to get with having your child's mastoid bone removed.

The surgeon came in to discuss the surgery, what would occur and what to expect with post op care. He started looking over Jake who was sleeping and really looked a bit puzzled and then started asking me to show him the area that was swollen when he came in, and how I thought it looked now in comparison to when we arrived. He excused himself and went to get the other doctor who would be present during the surgery.

After about 10 minutes of the two of them debating, they both walked back into Jake's room and told me that they felt that he had responded so well to the IV antibiotics in such a short time that they felt it would be the best decision for Jake to cancel the surgery and be aggressive with the antibiotics and try to save the mastoid bone. He went on to say that by looking at the CT scan he would agree that Jake was an excellent candidate for his planned Atresia surgery and did not want to jeopardize that in any way by performing a surgery in the same area when he thought there was a very good chance could be avoided all together.

For now: Jake will be on an IV antibiotic and pain medication. His progress is being closely monitored and must continue to improve. We don't know when we are coming home, I have heard some whispering talk of 2 to 3 days with my bionic Mommy ears but have not been given an "official" answer yet. Right now Jakey is sleeping after filling his belly with 3 apple juices and a carton of milk. Right before he fell asleep I asked him, "who loves you, Little Bit?" He answered "EVERYBODY!" Thanks everybody. Keep those prayers coming, they are working.

I sit here still shocked as I am writing this update. There are three things I know for sure right now:
1. Everything happens for a reason
2. Life is Good (no matter what)
3. God is great

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